I'm not one for resolutions, but I believe strongly in setting goals. And there is something powerful and convicting about writing them down. So, for 2008, here are some of my goals...
- Write a book
- Establish regular Father/Son Mentoring (FSM) times with Ethan
- Read 30+ books
- Establish a leadership development small group at GOCC
- Experience 20 things I've never done before
- Travel internationally - for work or pleasure
- Study Islam for myself
- Take two multi-day wilderness trips
- Increase my regular giving beyond the tithe
Wonderful goals. My wife and I believe strongly in setting goals as well. The coffeehouse that I manage for our church is just in the process of writing out the goals for journeys (mainly on my plate). Time to turn the corner from a coffeehouse into a ministry.
God Bless,
Could you add to your goals that you need to finish your 100 things about you?
Love ya!
Jonathan and I would be happy to help with #'s 6,7 & 8 and we can encourage you on that one on leadership groups. Let us know what we can do.
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