Monday, November 05, 2007

100 Things You Need to Know About Me (1-10)

I read on African Banter that a blogging tradition is that you have to write 100 things about yourself once you've made 100 posts. Since I am at a new church, this will be a great way to introduce the people of Great Oaks to some things they don't yet know about me.

Rather than listing out 100 things in one post, I thought I would post in short bursts of 10 (each with a theme). Here we go...

1-10 :: Historical

1. When I got married, I was 6'4" and weighed 215 pounds. I'm now 6'4" and weigh 275 pounds. (It's all muscle...)
2. I played flute from 4th grade through 8th grade.
3. I played the piccolo my 8th grade year.
4. I played on the girl's volleyball team my 6th grade year. (Sixth grade was a rough year...)
5. The house I grew up in was heated solely by a wood-burning stove. I'm really good at splitting wood!
6. The house I grew up in wasn't on a well or city water. We hauled water 2-3 times a week from town to fill a cistern.
7. I once went frog gigging with a 12-guage shotgun. There wasn't much left...
8. When I was in college, I climbed a TV tower at 3:00am with three other friends. Those red lights are really bright up close!
9. I used to pretend the be asleep in the car when we would get home from long car trips. I loved it when my Dad would carry me into the house.
10. My little sister used to be really afraid of the "monster under the bed". Right after she got over her fear, I hid under her bed and grabbed her leg when she came to bed. I got grounded for two weeks, but it was worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read #10 to Charlie and he thought it was a recent incident and asked, "He got grounded as an adult?"! We all got a chuckle out of your prank!