Friday, December 21, 2007

Bible in a Year - DONE!

I just closed the book after reading my final pages! I really liked this version of a yearly Bible as it provided some additional commentary at times to explain some of the background of the books, items of cultural significance, political/military climate, etc. Additionally, the editors of The Daily Bible attempted to place the writings in chronological order which added a unique dynamic to the reading experience.

Some key observations after dedicating this past year to reading through the entire Bible...

  • I definitely needed the accountability provided by Brent & Eric. If you are tackling a major challenge - spiritual or otherwise - it is good to have friends walking alongside you to encourage and challenge you.
  • There are sections of Scripture I had never read before...just being honest! Most of the unread sections were in the major prophets of the Old Testament.
  • I enjoyed Revelation more than in previous readings. Maybe it was because I read it in one sitting one relaxing morning while enjoying a cup of coffee.
  • No matter how many times I read Scripture, there is always something new I learn or some new realization I make. There were too many to share from this past year!
I would encourage each of you to embrace a major spiritual growth challenge. I'm still trying to figure out mine for 2008, but I am leaning towards writing a Men's Devotional book. This would get me into the Word on a daily basis while also applying my own experiences and thoughts to the Scripture. I've always wanted to be an author; this could be the first step!

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