Monday, July 02, 2007

Reflections on Sunday

We had a great experience yesterday during our 10:00am adult service. We had 8 people place membership with two of them being baptized in the service. I had the privilege of baptizing one of them (water was cold!) who has recently joined my couple's small group along with his wife, and the other individual was baptized by a fellow friend. (One of the things I love about FVCC is that you do not need to be a pastor to baptize someone. We allow any immersed believer to perform baptisms.)

It is always amazing to see people accept God and discover a new way to be human. Both of these individuals had grown up in the Roman Catholic Church, but their families had never made their faith personal. God... church... whatever... were all kept at arm's length as something you do out of requirement not personal belief and conviction.

This is not to say that all Catholics do this; some of the most devout Christians I know are Catholic. But for these two individuals, they made the conscious choice to make their faith personal as adults, and it happened to occur as part of our family here at FVCC. I am looking forward to seeing these two guys grow in their faith and knowledge of the Word.

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