Wednesday, July 04, 2007

You Know You Live in a Small Town When...

Yesterday morning, my wife and I were starting the day and we are making plans for the evening. I made the assumption that we would be doing projects around the house or in the yard. Suddenly she says, "Maybe you should take the kids to the worm races tonight."

Excuse me? The worm races? (I am not making this up!) It turns out that our library was hosting an activity for kids to learn about earthworms, so after dinner last night I packed up the kids and went out for an evening of small-town fun.

The head librarian read a kid's book about worms and then it was off to the races! She gathered the kids around three different rifle-range targets, placed a huge nightcrawler for each child in the bullseye, and then sprayed them with water (the worms...not the kids).

After a few minutes, the worms started moving and writhing. The winner was the worm that moved outside of the target area first. I was proud to say our table won! (You couldn't really keep track of whose worm it was...maybe next year we can paint little numbers on each of them.)

After the races, they took the kids in the back of the library and had them make their own worm out of tongue depressers, decorative craft balls, and googly eyes. It was honestly a lot of fun for the kids and the parents. That's life in a small town...

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