Wednesday, September 12, 2007

S'mores & Senior Citizens

I just got back to the house after an evening at Maple Lawn Nursing Home in Eureka, IL.

We spent a couple of hours with the residents sitting around a campfire on hay bales, singing songs, and making S'mores. It was a relaxed time of encouragement for the residents and connection for church members. As a new pastor on staff, it was a great way to meet people in the church.

This is one of the ten community service projects the church is doing in 2007-08 to mark their 10th anniversary.


Jonathan said...

It's been so fun reading about your new move to our old homes - both Gtown and the Eureka area. You've probably even met Amanda's cousin Brandy and her husband Eric (Thacher).

Glad to hear that the transition is going so well

Chris Genders said...

It has been a very smooth transition so far. The people at Great Oaks have been awesome.

We have been pleasantly surprised to learn how many people from college are living around here. It has made the idea of living away from Chicago (and her parents) much more comfortable for Karen. I know it will help to have some familiar faces around during the first few months..

I haven't med Brandy & Eric yet. Do they go to Great Oaks?

How are you guys doing? Do you when you will be back in the US again?

Jonathan said...

Yes, Brandy and Eric attend GO. A bit younger than you with a toddling daughter.

Not planning on being back in the US for a couple more years. We're just about halfway through language learning (5 units of a 9 unit program/1 year). Then we'll head to another city where I'll teach at a university.

Yeah, things are good here. Hot and exhausting but good.