Friday, September 21, 2007

Leaders are Learners

I've got some great learning opportunities coming up in the next couple of months. I have always been an avid reader, so I am constantly learning "from a distance". However, it is always a joy to sit in an audience or across the table from some great leaders and digest their knowledge and experiences first-hand.

In October, I am heading to Las Vegas to attend Central Uncensored a two-day behind-the-scenes look at how Central Christian Church does ministry. The second day will be spent entirely in a break-out session with Jon Bodin, Executive Director of Ministry Development, as he downloads his experiences with small groups and "five purpose" ministries. I'm going to have the privilege of sitting down with him for some one-on-one time as well.

During my stay in Vegas, I will also be connecting with other leaders at Central as well as some extended time with my long-time mentor and friend, Loren Trethewey. I've already requested some of Deanna's homemade cookies!!!

In November, Bill (Lead Pastor) and I are heading out to Saddleback Community Church to attend the Exponential Conference. This two-day conference is geared towards helping pastors lead their churches to become generous givers. As the tag-line for the conferences says, "Is your congregation tipping God or is it experiencing the joy of giving?"

One of the big hurdles for churches to continue growing beyond the 500-700 barrier is financially supporting the ministry efforts that are needed to take the church to the next level. Our hope is that we will be able to bring this knowledge back to the leaders and people of Great Oaks to continue the amazing growth the church has seen in the last 12 months (39+% since moving into the new building last July).

While I am in Southern California, I will be tacking on a few days to go see my grandmother in San Diego and my family in Los Angeles. Should be a great time!

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