Sunday, August 05, 2007

Under the Door

Following our family reunion yesterday, we stayed in the Hampton Inn in Princeton, IN. We went swimming, ordered some late-night pizza, and stayed up way too late watching a movie.

This morning I wake to find Ethan walking past the foot of my bed. I smile and wave as I roll out of the bed and stretch. I walk towards the bathroom to find him standing by the door to the room looking at the floor. He turns and says to me, "Somebody shoved a piece of paper under our door."

Knowing it was our bill for our night's stay, I look beyond him to the floor. I don't see anything.

"What did you do with it?" I say.

He looks at me somewhat strangely as if the answer should be obvious and replies, "I shoved it back out!"


Jim Clark said...

That's awesome... it totally made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ethan! That's one way to not pay the bill.

Joel Snyder said...

Thanks for making my day brighter!