Saturday, August 18, 2007


We watched HSM2 last night with the kids. (For those of you that aren't in the loop, HSM2 stands for High School Musical 2 - the much-anticipated sequel to the surprise Disney-hit.)

Ethan absolutely loved HSM, so he has been eagerly anticipating the premier of HSM2. The date has been circled on our family calendar, and he has been going through the process of X-ing off the days and keeping track of the official count. For the past two weeks, we have gotten our morning countdown update during breakfast.

We let the kids stay up late last night to watch the movie. When it was over, we attempted to quickly whisk them off to bed; however, Ethan suddenly broke down in tears. He couldn't explain why, but I think the weeks of anticipation combined with the sudden reality that it was over was simply too much to handle.

Good thing it will be on every day for the next two months!

1 comment:

JennW7773 said...

We also watched HSM2 - had a full on party - pizza, half a dozen kids (and a couple grown ups who wanted to stay for it, too!)