Sunday, August 12, 2007


It's 5:15am on Sunday morning, and I cannot sleep.

I am preaching this morning at Great Oaks Community Church in Metamora, a bedroom community to Peoria, IL. Later this afternoon I will be meeting with the Leadership Team for my formal interview. These are some of the last steps in the process for GOCC.

Nervousness is not the source of my insomnia. I admit I am anxious to preach, but it is the good type of anxiousness (excitement). I think mostly my lack of sleep is concern about missing my alarm clock and my ride to the church. Karen and the kids are staying behind at the hotel and meeting me at the church for the second service. (On a side note, it is extremely difficult to get ready in the morning in a pitch black room with your entire family trying to sleep!)

I couldn't ask for a better environment, though, since I can't sleep. I am sitting in a secondary lobby of the Stoney Creek Inn in East Peoria. The lodge setting with moose & bear, a two-story river-rock fireplace, and a big-screen TV with the Great American Country channel playing country music videos suits me just fine (currently playing: "A Little More You" by Little Big Town and, no, the remote is not broken...I chose the channel!)

I'd really appreciate your prayers this morning and afternoon...thanks!

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